Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Data Mining and Digital Literacy

Data Mining and Digital Literacy

Data Mining is an important topic. We all need to become aware of what is out there about ourselves and others. The amount of information out that always amazes me — and usually seems unnecessary and actually boring to me. I mostly come across information about others when I am innocently searching for a mailing address for someone. It is a distraction to come across other information and actually makes me feel like an intruder.

Juan Enriquez: Your Online Life, Permanent as a Tattoo

I think that teaching the impact of your digital tattoo to students is vital — our students have the tools, but they don’t really know how to use them. They may be cutting edge with the technology -  the devices, the apps — but they really do not understand the impact.

I saw a speaker last Friday, Kristina Weber, at the ISLMA conference. Her presentation was called “Are They Really Digital Natives? Leading with Multiple Literacies”. Digital natives vs digital immigrants is not about the tools, it is about the skills! Teachers have the skills - by virtue of our education and experience. 

Here is another take on the “natives vs immigrants” gap.

I need to read/think more on this one — there are those that say that these terms are irrelevant but I think they are valid.

Here is another view on closing that gap.


  1. Sounds like a timely session at the conference! I am disappointed ISLMA didn't make their resources available to the public, I would have liked to have seen the presentation you mentioned.

  2. I agree -- someone asked her during the presentation and she was hesitant. It is always annoying at something like that where much of the audience is typing away taking notes instead of engaging int he presentation.

  3. Thanks for sharing all of the resources! Super interesting!
